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Our Habitat homes are built 95% by our volunteers, so without the help of people like you, we could not make our mission possible. Volunteers will get the opportunity to work side by side with our partner families as they work towards their sweat equity hours. Below is a list of different ways to volunteer at the job site:



For those needing hours for a class, resume, or just looking for a great way to be involved in the community. 



What a great team-building opportunity for your corporate group, church group, or even school group. We can set aside a full day or half a day for your group depending on what you are looking for.
To schedule a group volunteer day, please contact

Mattie Anthony at or (806) 383-3456


No experience is needed, just a willingness to lend a helping hand. All volunteers are required to fill out a waiver before working on the job site. Click the icon to fill out the waiver. 


18 is the minimum age requirement for working on the job site.






Follow the steps below and create an account online to volunteer with us.


1. CLICK THE VOLUNTEER BUTTON: Select the opportunity that you are interested in and click the VOLUNTEER button. This will take you to our calendar of opportunities.

2. SIGN UP:  Select Create an Account (in the upper right-hand corner of the calendar page). Complete the form and submit it. Once you submit the form, you will be asked for a verification code (sent to the email you entered) Enter the verification code to verify the email. 

3. DOWNLOAD APP: Go to either Google Play or Apple App Store and search for “Civic Champs.”

4. DISCOVER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: To find volunteer opportunities visit our website to find their public calendar of events OR use the “Discover Events” Button in the Schedule tab in the mobile app. Here is a video on how to find opportunities on your mobile phone.

5. EVENT REGISTRATION: From the calendar of events, choose the event you wish to volunteer for and complete the registration process. You will then receive a confirmation email with all event details.


6. Once you register online, your upcoming volunteer shifts will show up in the Schedule tab on the Civic Champs Mobile App.​



For more questions about volunteering please visit our Volunteer FAQs page. 


If any other questions or information is needed about volunteering please contact:


Mattie Anthony


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